Share the Stories
We’re collating love stories and horror stories from across the web.
Help us grow this story collection
Once you become aware of the ‘horror’ stories in our culture you will notice them everywhere, from the language we use, the news headlines, the way we design things to the policies that govern us – ‘horror’ stories that tell us we are separate from nature and each other, that nature is our slave and that productivity and accumulation is how we measure success.
We invite you to begin spotting and revealing these harmful horror stories, share them online using the hashtags #horrorstory #storiesforlife
Or submit the url/link here and we will share them widely
Likewise we’re searching for ‘love’ stories that help evolve the harmful narrative of separation and weave a healthy narrative of interconnection – stories, ideas, projects and people showing us that nature is our family and that human and ecological wellbeing is how we must measure success – can you spot, share and create the love stories?
Share them online using the hashtags #lovestory #storiesforlife
Or submit the url/link here and we will share them here
Let’s drop the horror and carry the love.
Search the stories below and use the toggle to filter based on love or horror.